The Buying Process
1. Pre-approved with a qualified lender
We have referrals of people that we work with on a regular
basis that we trust but we encourage you to do your own
research to find one that fits with your needs.

2. House hunt to find the perfect home for YOU
We will begin looking at homes and we want to make sure
you are a ready buyer with your pre-approval letter in hand
ready to write an offer to make certain we are competitive
and appeal to the sellers.

3. Writing the offer
The purchase and sale agreement can be a lengthy
document be sure to ask to see a copy before hand so
you can review in case you have questions. Each offer may
differ dependent upon the situation and we will attach
appropriate addenda to the Purchase agreement to make
sure you are protected throughout the agreement.
4. Mutual Acceptance
Once our offer is accepted you will be intgroduced to the rest
of my team that will help keep us on task with our time-lines
for inspections and appraisals that will be necessary to get
the final approval on your loan.

5. Closing
Please keep in mind signing, closing and possession are 3
different dates in WA state. First we will "sign" the closing
documents, within 24 hours we will "close" and title will
transfer and then by 9pm that night you will get keys and
“possession”. This is another part of the transaction that is very
important and we refer to our closing team but we encourage
you to do your own research when selecting a closing team.
All of these dates and time-frames vary kin each transaction.