One Family Compound to Another
Posted by Key2See Team on July 23, 2021

One Family Compound to Another…
hansens-east-bay-building-blog episode #12
As we move in to the home stretch of this build… I find myself getting sentimental.
This last week our family lost 2 very good family friends both of which were parents of my friends and it really hit hard. I joke and tease as do my parents about the inconvenience and looked down mentality of sharing a location with the “ole rents” but truthfully it has been cherished. These last 3 years living next door to my parents I would be a total fraud if I didn’t speak to the positives far out weighing the negatives.
I previously wrote of my distaste for the publications glorifying the tiny home movement …. I have the opposite sentiment for those that speak of the multi-generational or compound living. I see my friends that have lost parents too soon and I fear and dread the moment that is inevitable… but knowing I have spent 3 years with my kids and I next door, through a stay home pandemic makes me smile through guarded tears. My parents have helped in ways they will never know and I think maybe just maybe we have done the same. I watch my son and mom’s incredible bond and I am rather certain it wouldn’t have been as strong without a day in, day out exchange. Along with the respect my oldest has for her papa and the imposed work ethic of chores for reward vs chores that simply earn your keep.
While I won’t lie and say I can’t wait to stretch my legs and have my own space…. I think… no scratch that I know….. if they wanted to build next door to us I would accept with open arms. That opportunity will be upon us soon… Upon the completion of our home we will start the beginnings of Zach’s mom & dads home on the lower lot. Completely CRAZY I thought a few years back…. Now…. Amazing to have the opportunity to spend these years with our parents. Expanding our kids knowledge of respecting their elders, caring for multiple generations and experiencing first hand the bonds of their grandparents verses a quick visit or forced encounter.
Speaking to all my friends that have lost their parents too soon (or anyone that feels the pain of a lost parent) I promise to not let a moment go by without appreciating these fleeting and precious times of living both with my kids that still think I’m cool (kinda) and my parents that still want to enjoy evening happy hour, boating and vacationing with us.
My real estate prediction in the coming years as home prices skyrocket and millennials become the largest group of home buyers in the country…. I predict more compound living, more multigenerational housing because as someone that has experienced it why not? Saves on costs, saves on babysitters, keeps our parents young at heart and out of living alone. As my parents have always said “good fences make for good neighbors” I believe the same for living with family…. Healthy boundaries, standards of space, levels of understanding laid out early and what a great way to live!
Whew…. Drying my eyes.
Guess what WE HAVE FLOORS! I mentioned our next phase was the ¼ inch thick concrete overlay and holy smokes it is one of the best decisions we made! The siding is being completed, the insulation installed, cabinets delivered & sheetrock will wrap up the month of July.
What’s Next?
August will be all about paint, cabinets, shower tile and counter top templating! We are trying something new this time, we are using a porcelain slab in our showers…. Installation is done by our stone team and we cannot wait to see how it turns out.
Shout Out:
This month’s shout out goes to Premier Overlay! Shawn is the owner of Premier Overlay and a true testament to customer service. I am sure most of you have experienced the unsettling disarray of scheduling a contractor, well this team does it right.
I had no idea this product even existed…. A ¼ inch concrete overlay that can go over ANYTHING! Back in January our dreams were altered when our original design of slab on grade became a crawl space eliminating concrete flooring… buy yesterday, we got exactly what we originally envisioned. Friends this product can be poured over your current floor or sub floor and it can also go outside. If you have a second story deck or a space that can’t handle the weight of concrete but you want the look? This is your jam.
Shawn also assisted with keeping our project moving as we waited patiently to pass our “cover inspection” (halting the ability to proceed with insulate and sheetrock). Zach made a field decision and flip flopped the order with floors going in first to not lose yet another week (or 3) because as I mentioned last post… My brain, my soul and my need for my own bathroom doesn’t have the capacity for another month. Shawn we thank you for being part of our team… friends reach out for his contact his team, his product and his customer service are worthy of their 5 star reviews.